Online Issues

Documenting Evidence

Documenting Evidence

Documenting evidence of online child rights abuse is a crucial step in protecting the rights and well-being of children

Digital Wellbeing?

Digital Wellbeing?

In today's digital age, children are exposed to technology from a very young age. While technology can be a great tool for learning and entertainment,…



It's important for parents and caregivers to monitor their children's internet and social media use and have open conversations with them about the risks of…

Online Radicalization and Extremism

Online Radicalization and Extremism

Internet can be a powerful tool for manipulation, and it is important for parents, educators, and caregivers to be vigilant about the content that children…

Cyber Hate

Cyber Hate

If children are exposed to cyber misogyny, they may start to believe that such behavior towards women is acceptable, which can lead to them normalizing…

Online Pornography

Online Pornography

Unfortunately, the proliferation of the internet has led to an increase in the availability and distribution of child pornography, which has resulted in an increase…

Disinformation and Misinformation

Disinformation and Misinformation

Disinformation can have a significant impact on children, as they are often more vulnerable to manipulation and less equipped to discern false information from truth.

Cyber Sexting

Cyber Sexting

Sexting can also put children at risk of exploitation, grooming, or sexual abuse. Children may be targeted by predators who use sexting as a way…

Cyber Grooming?

Cyber Grooming?

Groomers often use manipulation, flattery, and coercion to gain the child's trust and make them feel comfortable.



It is important for parents to be aware of the signs of cyberbullying and to have open and honest conversations with their children about online…

Imbalanced Screen Time

Imbalanced Screen Time

Excessive screen time is linked to negative outcomes such as obesity, poor sleep quality, behavioral problems, and lower academic achievement. Additionally, it can negatively affect…