Is social media essential for your kids?

One of the most significant consequences of children's social media addiction is its impact on mental health. The lack of face-to-face interaction, constant comparison to others, cyberbullying, and exposure to sensitive content such as violence, foul language, and inappropriate sexual images may lead to mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and self-harm.

As technology has rapidly progressed, social media has become an integral part of people’s daily lives, including children. Social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, and multiplayer video games like League of Legends and Clash of Clans are used by children for various purposes. However, the question of whether social media is beneficial or harmful to children’s development remains.

Social media platforms allow users to share content, form connections, and create virtual identities. Although most social media networks require users to be 12 years of age or older to create a profile, it is easy for children to create false profiles. Children spend hours watching random videos or interacting with strangers on social media platforms. The question is, how much of this is acceptable? Does social media play a crucial role in children’s development?

Negative impacts

Childhood is a crucial stage in a person’s life, laying the groundwork for all subsequent learning. However, excessive use of social media starting at a young age can lead to addiction, harming children’s development in areas such as education, health, extracurricular activities, and moral development. Social media can also cause children to compare themselves with others constantly, resulting in a lack of self-esteem.

One of the most significant consequences of children’s social media addiction is its impact on mental health. The lack of face-to-face interaction, constant comparison to others, cyberbullying, and exposure to sensitive content such as violence, foul language, and inappropriate sexual images may lead to mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and self-harm. Devoting so much time and attention to online chats can cause children to loosen their attachment to their immediate family members and friends, making them more dependent on unknown strangers and vulnerable to online predators.


Despite the negative impacts, social media has exceptional advantages that cannot be ignored. The technological progress of the world requires the younger generation to acquire technical knowledge and skills, and exposure to social media networks provides children with the opportunity to acquire relevant information, making them more aware of the latest trends and keeping up with the rest of the world.

One of the key benefits of social media is the opportunity it provides for children to express themselves in creative ways. Social media apps such as Instagram reels, TikTok videos, Pinterest boards, Tweets, Snapchat snippets, Facebook posts, and YouTube vlogs help users improve their creativity. Social media apps can help children explore their various artistic and aesthetic expertise, such as writing, storytelling, photography, videography, editing and directing skills, and much more.

Furthermore, social media serves as a source of learning and inspiration, sharing educational resources and motivational messages in the form of images, videos, audios, and texts, which children are better able to absorb than through traditional books and advice from adults.

In addition, social media facilitates cross-cultural communication, educating children about various cultures and histories, and creating a future where diversity is embraced. It provides a space for users to express themselves and brings like-minded people together. Social media helps children attain acceptance and understanding from others, which they could otherwise fail to obtain through their social circles. Children with developmental disorders such as autism, physical challenges, ADHD, and language disorders could procure various advantages such as communication, security, and emergency needs with the help of different features of social media applications.


In conclusion, social media is an integral part of the lives of children in today’s digital era. While it provides numerous benefits in terms of education, creativity, and communication, there are also significant negative impacts to consider, such as addiction, cyberbullying, and exposure to inappropriate content. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to monitor their children’s social media use and educate them on how to use it responsibly and safely. By doing so, children can enjoy the benefits of social media while avoiding its potential negative effects.

Parents play a critical role in helping their children use social media in a healthy and positive way. Here are some ways parents can help:

  1. Set clear guidelines: Set clear guidelines for social media use, including the amount of time spent on it, the types of content that are appropriate, and the importance of privacy.
  1. Model positive behavior: Parents should model positive behavior by using social media responsibly and setting a good example for their children.
  1. Encourage offline activities: Encourage children to engage in offline activities, such as playing sports, reading books, or spending time with friends and family.
  1. Monitor their online activity: Monitor your child’s online activity to ensure they are not engaging in risky or inappropriate behavior, and to identify any potential issues early on.
  1. Have open and honest conversations: Have open and honest conversations with your child about the risks and benefits of social media, and encourage them to come to you with any questions or concerns they may have.
  1. Stay informed: Stay informed about the latest trends and developments in social media and online safety, and seek guidance from experts or trusted sources when needed.

By taking these steps, parents can help their children use social media in a healthy and positive way, while also reducing the risks associated with online activity.

Azla Kalamaldeen, University of Colombo

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